HV 2132/4032

The LeCroy Model 2132 is a single-width CAMAC module used to allow bi-directional communication between the CAMAC Dataway and up to 15 HV4032 chassis. Any combination of the HV4032 series mainframe may be used in the daisy chain. The system employs a 5 pair 20 mA current loop serial bus. Data are transmitted at 2400 BAUD using a modified ASCII code. Sixteen bit data words are transmitted as three bytes, each with its own parity bit. Checks for data transmission errors (parity) are accommodated by firmware at the addressed HV4032 chassis or by hardware at the 2132.

The bus consists of two serial data pairs, two bus priority pairs and one pair to differentiate between CAMAC and TTY operation. A cable of up to 1000 feet may be reliably employed between the 2132 and the first HV4032 chassis. Up to 100 feet between chassis may also be employed.

Using the 2132, all front panel operations can be performed remotely (high voltage hardware limit and HV gate are excluded). Commands are available to turn on, turn off, set and read the voltage of any one channel or all channels in any one HV4032 mainframe.

The HV4032 mainframes are connected to the HV2132 controller units in the configuration window by just connecting them.
Control multiple HV4032 units by connecting the bottom connector to the top connector on the next unit in the chain.

The square blue indicator on the HV4032 icon will turn red if the HV is on.

Unfortunately, the full RS232 handshaking does not work in ORCA, so the polling of the unit does not work at this time and few safety checks are implemented.


Select the main frame and the channel to control

The HV2132 dialog

The HV4032  dialog

Target voltage

Set the target voltage and read back the actual value.

Warning the read back methods are not currently working in ORCA

Set and display the location of the file to store all HV status

Turn the supply on/off

Wipe the command buffer of all commands

Turn the supply on/off

Start/stop a ramp of the voltage to a target value

Panic the currently ramping channels back to zero. Confirmation will be requested

Panic ALL enabled supply channels back to zero. Confirmation will be requested

Ramp parameters and status

Set up polling interval

Calibration constants (assume a linear response)

Same as above in the ramping page