The Joerger Enterprises, Inc. Model ADC-L is a 16 channel, 12 bit scanning ADC. It has the ability to store an upper and lower limit for each individual channel. This is done in two 16 word re-readable registers. At the end of each conversion the data is compared to the limits for that channel and if not within the tolerance band selected, a bit is set. If the input is below the lower limits a “1” is loaded at bit 17 and if above the upper limits bit 18 is set. These bits are readout along with the data itself.

Data Records (NOT!)

The JADC-L is not officially an ORCA data taker. Thus, there are no data records associated with this hardware object at this time. This card can participate in the Process Controller as an ADC element.

Set the Low and High limits. Values out of range can trigger an ORCA Alarm

Set up an optional polling interval

Set the ADC range, Read back limits or adc values to the status log

Load this dialog’s values into hardware

Plot the ADC values over time in groups of four