Data Storage


The Data File object controls the location of local file saving and has the ability to send all three types of file (Data, Status/Error Summary, and Configuration Snapshots) to separate remote hosts.


List current local data file, current run name, status, and size

Opens/Closes the file storage location drawer

Displays current copying status and enables configuration snapshot saving

The various categories of files that this object can transfer to remote machines.

Set the local directory for this file type

Login parameters for the remote host

Select the transfer protocol

Option to stop/restart run after a file size limit is exceeded. Note: if Run Control is set to repeat runs timed runs, a new run will start when the time limit is exceeded.

Option to enforce a directory structure where the data is stored

The data file prefix can be customized. The default is ‘Run’

Note that the status logs are stored by this object when a run ends. If you would like periodic snapshots of the status logs in addition to the one stored here, use the Preferences options.

The current data, log, and config folder location

The level at which a process alarm will be generated IF this disk object is monitored by a process