eGun Controller


The eGun controller is a composite object that interfaces to an IP220 DAC card to provide control of CENPA’s KATRIN test stand electron gun, which is used to test detectors and DAQ readout electronics.

Note that the beam will cycle thru as series of degaussing steps as it goes to the goal position in an effort to correct for the hysteresis that is inherent in the system.


Selection of IP220 card for each axis

Read the IP220 voltage, convert to millimeters, and load values into this dialog

e-Beam position in relation to the main focal plane detector

Cross-hairs indicate the current beam spot location

Selection of IP220 channel for each axis

Current location of beam spot

Goal position for beam spot. Note: can be abs or relative

Position control can be absolute or relative

The conversion factor that is used to convert from the IP220 Voltage to position in millimeters

Start and Stop beam motion

The dwell time each beam movement step

Note that you can shift-Click on the detector image to select a goal position for the e-Beam.



Overshoot mode constants