

The EHQ8060n is a HV card from iSeg. It can supply -6000V. 

Please refer to the manual for specifics. The manual is fairly general and everything in it does not apply for this supply.


If an event occurs that causes the voltage to ramp down it will be listed here. Note that you will NOT be able to ramp the voltage back up until the events are cleared.

A global overview of all the HV channels.

Go to up or down EHQ8060n card in the crate

Go to up or down the channels. You can also click in the overview or use the arrow keys to select another channel

The state of the channel is shown here.


V ==0

Ramping Down

Ramping Up



These commands apply to ALL channels. Be careful!

The Sync button will take the last sense voltage read from the card and place it into the target field. This is useful if you have a supply that is ON and you have made a new ORCA configuration and just need to use the settings that the supply is already at.

Once a channel is turned on, the ‘Load & Ramp’ button must be clicked to actually load the new target voltage and/or rise time to the card.

If the ‘Ship Records’ option is selected the HV data record will be shipped whenever the hw is polled. This happens approximately every two seconds.