ORCA Binaries

Orca can always be built from source, but because we follow the philosophy of ‘commit early, commit often’ you will be getting potentially unstable versions. Below is a list of versions that have been used under production conditions and are thought to be relatively stable. This does not mean that they are bug-free. ORCA is a very complex application and often errors are not found right away. If you have trouble, it is often useful to grab an older version to help sort out whether the problem is a hardware or software issue. Bugs should be reported to the development team when found -- if we don’t know about the problem, we can’t fix it.

Orca11.zip                    Dec 1, 2016

Orca10.zip                    Jun 28, 2013

Orca9_2.zip                  Sept 20, 2011

Orca9_1_1.zip              Dec 10, 2010

Orca8_5.zip                  May 2, 2010

Orca8.1.dmg.zip           Nov 20, 2009

Orca8_0.zip                  Aug 25, 2009

Orca6_8.tar                  Feb 22, 2008


version8.5        A snap shot before a massive refactoring of the plotting subsystems.

version 6.8        FilterScript operational

                          Runs can not be started for unnamed configurations

                          Fixed configuration close bugs

                          IP320 now a data taker object

version 11         First binary released in a long time. Quite stable.