ORCA Help Center

The help center provides a web browser interface to the ORCA help files. The location of the help site is by default hardcoded and, at the time of this writing, is served from  <> but that may change without notice. The latest version of ORCA will always have the latest help site location.

However, if you do not have web access and you have a local copy of the help site, you can set the default home location from the Preferences dialog. If you need a local copy of the help site, download OrcaHelp.zip. However, it may not be the most up-to-date version.


Typical browser controls to go to previous, next, or home pages

The operation of the ORCA help viewer should be obvious to anyone familiar with web browsers.

Objects that are represented by icons can be Cntrl-Clicked to bring up a contextual menu that will have a menu item for accessing the Help Center if help exists for that object.