Manual Plotting

The Manual Plotter is an object that is designed to work in conjunction with scripts to plot arbitrary data. The functionality is basically the same as the regular data plotter.

Analysis drawer

Tool bar for plots: switch Y-axis from log to linear, clear plot, show analysis window, etc...

Plot controls: auto-scale plot, reset axes, center peak, move view on the X-axis right and left (< > buttons), zoom in or out on X-axis (+ - buttons)

Hide/Show plot controls

Region of Interest (ROI) for analysis. Name appears at top as Curve,ROI number. Drag lines with mouse to change region. Shift-Click makes a new ROI. Tab key shifts between multiple ROIs.

Drag scales with mouse to change range

To do a curve fit, the OrcaROOT fit service must be running somewhere. The default location is port 9090, but you may run OrcaROOT at a custom location.

Example script using the custom plotter

The following example collects the total histogram sum in a region of interest for each of one hundred two second long runs. This script assumes that you have set the variables, lowROI and highROI in the script dialog.

Get pointers to the objects that will be used

This is the data set holding the histogram from which this example collects the total sum

A loop to do 100 two second runs

At the end of each run, open the data set plot and the analysis drawer

Get the ROI and make sure it’s set to the right values

And finally, add the total sum in the region of interest to the plot

Set some labels on the plot and clear it

function main()


p = find(ORManualPlotModel,1);

h = find(ORHistoModel,1);

rc = find(ORRunModel);

if(p && h && rc){

[p setCol0Title:"Run"];

[p setCol1Title:"Total Sum"];

[p clearData];

//make sure no run is already in progress

if([rc isRunning]){

[rc stopRun];

waituntil(![rc isRunning]);



//do a two second run

[rc startRun];

waituntil([rc isRunning]);


[rc stopRun];

waituntil(![rc isRunning]);

//OK the run is ended. get the analysis data

d = [h dataSetWithName:"DataGen,0,1"];


[d makeMainController];

dialog = [d findController];

[dialog openAnalysisDrawer];

sleep(1); //wait for analysis to complete

gate = [dialog curve:0 gate:0];

[gate setDefaultMin:lowROI max:highROI];

[p addValue1:i value2:[gate totalSum] value3:0];


else print "couldn't find data set";



else print "all objects not found";


Set the ROI to some globals values

Keyboard Shortcuts

Drag the axis to manually scale

Tab    Change focus to next ROI or data set.

Cmd-R  Reset X axis to max,  Reset Y

Cmd-X  Autoscale X

Cmd-Y Autoscale Y

Cmd-A Autoscale X and Y

Cmd-T Tile all similar plots across screen

Cmd-U Undo the Tile command

Cmd-Click axis to place a marker

Cmd-Drag in plot to read out values at any point

Cntrl-Drag a box in the plot to zoom to area

Shift-Click to add ROI

Delete removes ROI (last one can not be deleted)

Opt-click shrink ROI to one chan width and moves it to the mouse position

Left/Right arrow moves ROI one channel Left/Right