On Call List

Many experiments need to keep track of the people on call. This object allows you to define a Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, or Off Duty role for each person in a defined list.

The contact information can be either an email or an SMS (text) address. Each mobile carrier has a different SMS gateway, i.e. an address to text to a Verizon phone would be xxxxxxxxxx@vtext.com. The gateway for other carriers can be found with a simple web search.

When an ORCA alarm higher than ‘Hardware setup’ is posted a timer is started. if the alarm is not cleared or acknowledged within three minutes the primary person in the list will be sent a report. They will have ten minutes to fix the alarm or to acknowledge it before the secondary person will be contacted. And then ten minutes later, the tertiary person will be contacted if necessary.

If a person is placed Off Duty, then the lower priority roles will be automatically promoted to the next level up. There will always be a Primary person -- you can not select only lower priority levels.

The highlights of the dialog are shown below.


The file path where the list was last saved

The is list saved in the configuration, but sometimes it is convenient to save/restore from a custom file location

The message will be sent to this person. The name will be the highest priority person.

Add/remove an entry in the list

Some info on when someone is going to be contacted, who was contacted, and who will be contacted next.

The order of contact