Remote Socket

ORCAScripts can use this object to connect to remote ORCA systems. There is no other functionality in this object. Since the Command Center is used as the command parser for all commands sent thru this object, all commands must be in the correct format. See the Center Center reference for more information.

The dialog for this object has no real functionality. It can be used to enter a remote host IP address and port, but normally this would be done directly from a script.


You can enter a remote address here. Normally done directly from a script

You can enter a remote port number here. Normally done directly from a script

An example ORCAScript follows:

function main() {

  //find the object

  s = find(ORRemoteSocketModel,1);

  //set the remote address and port

  [s setRemoteHost: ""];

  [s setRemotePort:4667];

  //connect the socket and wait for it

  [s connect];

  waituntil([s isConnected]);

  if([s isConnected]){

    //send a request for information and wait for the response

    [s sendString:@"running=[ORRunModel isRunning]"];

    waituntil([s responseExistsForKey:@"running"]);

    print "running=",[[s responseForKey:@"running"]intValue]?"YES":"NO";

    //send a request for information and wait for the response

    [s sendString:@"x=[ORRunModel runNumber]"];

    waituntil([s responseExistsForKey:@"x"]);

    print "x=",[s responseForKey:@"x"];

    //disconnect the socket when done

    [s disconnect];



One thing to be aware of is that using the responseForKey method clears the response from the response dictionary and so a follow-up call to get the response for the same key will return nil.