
The LDA-120 is a ‘Lab Brick’ USB controlled digital attenuator. The attenuation can be set from 0 to 63 dB in 0.5 dB increments. The value can be set manually, or can be automatically ramped over the full range controlled under the control of the device.

See the manual for more info.


If your device is seen properly by the system, its serial number should show up in this list. Select the one for the device you’re controlling.

Manually set the Attenuation. The Load button sends the value to HW. The LDA attenuation range is 0 - 63 dB.

The ramp will continuously  repeat if this is checked

The attenuation currently set in the ramp process

Start/Stop the ramp. The button label will change based on the ramping state.

The ramp start and stop values determine whether the ramp increases or decreases.