XyCom 200


Select which PI/T device to control

Set the various control bits

he XVME-200 (XyCom200) is a single-high, single-wide digital I/O board that provides 32 digital (TTL) I/O channels and port handshake control features. The module utilizes two 68230 parallel interface/timer devices (also referred to as PI/T devices) to provide and control its parallel interface functions (16 I/O channels per PI/T device). In addition the 68230 devices also provide two 240 bit, software-configurable timers (1 timer per PI/T device), which can be used to generate a square wave. Because of the complexity of the PI/T chips the ORCA interface is provides only a bare-bones control interface for simple setups. Custom ORCAScripts will probably be the easiest way to use this device. Much more information can be in the manual for the board and the manual for the 68230 chip.

Note that this card goes in the top part of a VME slot.


Timer registers

Bits for each port

Select the PI/T registers

Quick setup for a simple square wave

Set the register value, read/write controls